Saturday, March 26, 2011

Come For Me

The wind brings to me news of the land,

News from the north,

News from the south,

News from the east,

News from the west.

Enveloping me within its chilly arms,

Whispering in my ear tales of hidden times,

Pulling playfully on my hair,

It is my constant companion,

In the void your absence has created.

It is odd that something as uncontrollable,

As unpredictable and as free as the wind,

Would be more of a constant in my life,

As compared to you,

One who was supposed to be here.

No matter,

I don't want to wait anyway,

Why should I do so,

When so many others are waiting for me,

Even as I falter for a glimpse of you.

Sighing once more,

I turn my face to the wind,

Feeling it kiss my dry chapped lips,

But even as I walk away,

I wonder if you'll ever come for me.

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