You say that you're fine with me,
Just the way I am,
But why do I see you,
Trying to change me,
To fit into your superficial mold?
I never thought that I'd be hurt,
Not like this,
Physical pain I can bear,
Mental pain I scoff at,
But heartache....
Was never what I expected,
I never knew,
I never thought,
And I've never felt this terrible.
It hurts,
It really does hurt,
But I feel numb,
A dull roar sounds in my ears,
A choked sob escapes my lips.
I am who I am,
I don't wear skirts or dresses,
I detest makeup,
I love my jeans,
And I dress for myself.
I thought that you were fine with that,
That you liked me as I was,
So pray tell,
Why do you do this to me?
Things were so much easier,
When there were no strings attached,
When my walls were up,
When the stage was set,
When I played my role.
I was a lone wolf,
I walked to the beat of my own drum,
I bowed to no one,
I accepted no one,
And I cared for no one.
Behind those walls,
Behind the masks,
On the stages,
In my role,
No one could hurt me.
You did this to me,
And now my heart vows vengeance,
An eye for an eye,
And a tooth for a tooth,
I will hurt you,
Just as much as you hurt me.
I swear this now,
On the tears that I unconsciously shed,
Listen to my song Love,
For I am furious.
whut? something happened so fast?
Surprisingly fast indeed. Sigh, I'm tired.
I know, at least my temper cooled off already. I've a feeling that the next one will end just as badly, if not worse.
try to control it :X it's gonna be hard but you'll have to try if you wanna maintain this relationship. Also, he has to try understanding u more and you'll have to allow him to do so instead of assuming that he'll always say the right thing (lol most girls do actually, thats why girls always puzzle men)
Guess so, we'll see what happens next, maybe I'll just shut off my emotions and be done with it.
ahh don't do that >_> that's gonna make things worse. ur gonna give him the wrong assumption. communication's the key, lots and lots of communication x,x
Trying, we were talking about dining etiquette yesterday of all things, I guess it can be counted as an intellectual discussion?
Charms! seriously, what's wrong?
I guess the poem speaks volumes of what has transpired but poems are always poems, they speak nothing but the abstract and the hidden.
well Charms, i hope everything is alright for you. if it is what it is, something must have went terribly wrong.
Nonetheless, pull urself together, dont let go of ur pride and, ah life must go on
Lol, my pride is my strongest shield, there's no way that I'll let it go, but everything is fine as it is.
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