Friday, May 29, 2009

Examination Relief!

Exams are finally over, well at least the mid-term ones. Unfortunately, there's a rumour going around that there might be a 'pop-exam' coming around July, oh bloody friggin' joy! Exams are nothing but a pain in the butt and neck, literally, from sitting too long and bending your head over the damned book!

Either way, I am not really happy about how things turned out today. I suppose that there was a better way to handle things, but sometimes it gets too much. Doesn't matter anymore, I've the whole two weeks of holiday to have fun and simply unwind, not to mention the fact that I'm going to be spending some time with my close friends. Yes, I do have friends, even if I don't have a lot.

I'm contented with the friends I have, and at the very least, all my friends are dependable and I can trust them not to betray me, unlike some mistakes I've made in the past. I would rather have a few but close friends who will not betray me rather than have a pack of back-stabbing bitches and bastards who claim to be my 'friends'. If I do have this problem, then a purge is the easiest way to deal with this. I've done it before, and I'm not afraid to do it again.

Hmm, my itinerary should include going ice-skating, playing a few rounds of mah-jong, mastering a piano piece or two, sleeping, going to the gym, go swimming, playing badminton, and basically, having fun. I'm still internally debating on whether or not I should go for HSM's talent time, I don't particularly feel inclined to go, and the only reason as to why I'm considering this is because Adeline wants to go. Anyway, at the rate things are going, I doubt that I'll be going.

I'm feel terrible lately, I'm not sleeping peacefully, and I almost always end up waking up feeling disorientated and empty. I never feel like that when I wake up, I almost always wake up alert and ready to go, so this is a rather unpleasant experience. Not to mention that my back feels rather sore when I curl up on my side, and my shoulders feel stiff and simply uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was just the exam blues, it had better be. Since the exams are over, I should be going back to normal now. I'm really bored though, there's nothing to realy entertain me here, and I'm bored!!!! This sucks!!! Adeline, I'm bored!!!!!!!! Can't I go to your house for some DDR soon?!! My disk is still with you, and I miss it!


Adeline Ong said...

Yeap...There'll be another monthly exam in July. But for now you don't need to think about it. Finally!!! We can have a peace of our mind after all those tormenting exams...I'm so looking forward to eat roti canai tomorrow...^^

About coming to my house...I have to ask my mom first...cause there's a whole lot of trainees are coming to my shop starting next week. And my mom don't want us to make any noise...

But still, it'll be fun playing DDR again. Remember to pull CY along as well...

劉としひろ Ryuu Toshihiro said...

when you mentioned about awaking empty and disoriented, i was just thinking the samer thing, although i am not sure my case is quite the same with you.

I don't usually have a habit of staying up late the day be4 the exam but, given the circumstances (and if the truth must be told), i stayed up till 1.30 before on one day be4 3 sciences and 1am before sejarah.

Woke up feeling not "me" anymore with a extraodinary light head that frightens the hell out of me.

well holiday is ahead of us d...
although after today's chemistry paper i am not too sure if me and my classmates r able to enjoy the full blow energizing-refreshing life of the hols.


Well, you're not the only one with exam blues, we're aLL FEVERISH

and yup, having a few close friends is wayyyy better than having a dozen of freaks who self proclaimed themselves as bes buddies and good friends, when especially they're just bitches (sry to say this) and worthless pals. If anyone, im sure i understand this the most and that if anyone were to visit early pages of my blogs, they will noe why. And if one were to dig deeper, the reason of my blog spot blog, the name and everything is of the one same cause.

anyway happyyy hols charmaineee

Ice Princess, stay cool forever, will ya? dont let da petty exams get inter ya nerves

Adeline Ong said...

Well it's true that what eugene said. Some so called 'friends' are just opportunist. Well sometimes you have to try to control your temper when someone really provoke you. Just try to ignore them. The angrier you are, the happier they are as well. You can be cold in these sort of situations. You don't really need to prove that your statement is right. Sometimes people did it because they have nothing better to do. 'bo dai ji jo e' in hokkien. Not sure whether it sounds right or not...haha XP

And again...Happy Holidays...^^ If we're lucky, I can meet you up in KL....Then we'll have lots of fun...^^

SnowCharms said...

I doubt that I'm that much of an 'ice princess' anymore, I might have been thawing out for the past few months. Better if you ask Adeline about this, she'll know.

Exams do affect me, but it doesn't quite overpower me. I know that I'm going to have to face it, but I don't let it take over my sleep or my daily schedule. Somehow, it doens't really scare me that much.

While I might fret and worry about it at first, it's just to say something for the sake of saying something, so I doubt that it has shaken me up yet.

As for friends, all of us would have met a bitch/bastard sometime in our lives, we just have to be wiser next time so that we won't make the same mistake again.

SnowCharms said...


Yup, so true. I was planning to get together with my friend in KL for a movie, though it might be postponed to the week after next. It'll be fun if we could meet up in KL, I think my mom might get along well with your mom, but then again they might not.

I know, my tongue is rather sharp and my temper is rather hot to boot. It was easier when I didn't have to open up to anyone, but I guess it's time to undergo another persona change.